Welcome to the Jackson School Homeowners Association (JSHOA) Virtual Easter Egg Hunt!
Your goal is to find the eggs hidden around the neighborhood. There are prize entries for finding them all, being fast, and other categories! You may also find some surprises! Come to the JSHOA School House from 2-3pm to see if you've won anything!
If you have a smartphone that supports QR codes (most do), simply point your phone's camera at the QR code near each egg you find and follow the link. There are also QR code apps available.
If you can't scan the code, enter the 6 digit number above the QR code into the "code" field.
For the first egg you find, fill in your lot number, name, and phone number. If you have cookies enabled, your phone will remember you the next time you scan an egg!
If you change phones, be sure to use the same name and lot number so your finds are linked together.
Helpful Hints:
All eggs are hidden north of Harewood near common areas. There are no eggs along Jackson School Rd.
Click the button or progress bar to view the eggs you've found and see what's left.
Click the button for a hint to how close you are to the closest egg you haven't found. (Your phone and browser will need location services enabled and you will need to allow the page to access your location. Don't worry, we just use it to tell you about the eggs, nothing else!)
If you are having trouble with your phone as you are searching, you can write down the 6 digit codes and enter them manually on another device or computer. Just remember to use the same lot and name!